The People

The Story

The Making

The Awards

The Making

This film was created over a nine month period of time. We used Alias Power Animator 8.2 and 8.5. The modeling began in August of 1997 and was nearing completion by the end of January of 1998. Animation began in January and continued until the beginning of June.

Nine people participated in the project. Each was a student in the design department at Brigham Young University.

When the projected started, our lab consisted of eight SGI Indy work stations. At the end of November the department was able to purchase twelve O2 work stations. The project would not have come about without this welcome addition!

As the dead-line for the Alias competition grew near, we began putting in more and more hours. During the final three weeks of the project we worked 'round the clock. At least one of us was in the computer lab at all hours of the day and night, and usually all of us were. Most of us begged time off of work, and skipped out of classes for the final week to be able to spend more time in the lab.

All of our efforts payed off when we saw the finished product complete with music and sound effects. Wow! We were especailly happy to learn that the film won for Best Animation in the 1998 Alias|Wavefront Student Competition.

If you have additional questions about the project. Send email to the address below.


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